Rattlesnake Pendant

Sterling-silver rattlesnake pendant with 14k gold head & rattle and lodolite quartz cabochon.

Something happened during a recent chance encounter with a rattlesnake: The adrenaline he inspired within me seemed to unblock my energy flow.  I couldn't get back into the studio quickly enough to channel that flow into my work. Ever since that day, my studio has been my second home, and for that, I am grateful that I met him.  This pendant was created to honor, pay tribute, and to show the rattlesnake how thankful I am to him. 

Thank you, Rattlesnake.  I am glad that our paths crossed.


The rattlesnake is sterling silver with a 14k gold head and tail.  The base of the stone is natural stone from which a clear quartz grew.  An amazing lapidary artist domed the quartz over the natural stone creating a magnifying effect, which looks like the desert floor.


Iolite Rattlesnake Pendant


Winter Wonderland